Stacey on Social

July 2, 2024

Are you considering a break from the social media hustle this summer?

If so, you’re not alone!

In a recent poll, a whopping 75% of you said you’re planning to log off for a bit, and that’s fantastic. 🎉

But what about your online community and your buzzing business? Fear not! I’ve got some jolly good tips to help you enjoy your well-deserved break without losing the rhythm.

Set Clear Expectations

First things first, let your followers know about your digital detox. Make a friendly post explaining that you’ll be away, how long you’ll be offline, and what they can expect during your absence—and when you return. 🏖️

This transparency will keep your community informed and supportive of your recharge time.

Craft a Cheery Out-of-Office Message

Don’t forget to set up an out-of-office reply for your social media and email! Let everyone know you’re out enjoying the sun and will get back to them once you’re recharged and ready. This small step reassures your audience that they haven’t been forgotten.

Block Off Your Calendar

This one’s for you—block off the time on your calendar as ‘vacation time’. This acts as a reminder that you’re supposed to be relaxing, not working! Consider blocking your booking calendar a week before and after your vacation too; it eases the transition out of and back into work mode.

Plan Your Content

You have a couple of choices here: 

  • Go Silent: Totally fine! Enjoy the uninterrupted break. 
  • Schedule Posts: Like me, you might prefer to keep things rolling. Schedule some repurposed content to keep your feed lively without needing to be active. Pop a little note in each post letting people know you’re out sipping coconut water on the beach but will catch up soon.
  • Use my favourite scheduling app Vista Social to plan, schedule and repurpose your content for July and August.

Pause Those Notifications

Make a pact with yourself: no sneaking peeks. Pause or mute notifications so you won’t be tempted to jump back into the online world. Your break is a time to unplug completely, remember?

Set Boundaries If You Must Post

If you decide to check in or post during your vacation, limit your social media time strictly. Use the built-in timers on apps to keep your scrolling in check, ensuring you spend more time in the real world than the virtual one. 🌍

Taking a social media break shouldn’t be a source of stress. With a little prep, you can ensure your digital presence is on autopilot, allowing you to relax fully and recharge .

So go ahead, unplug with peace of mind, and maybe even enjoy a sunset or two.

You deserve it!

What do you think? Ready to take that break without worry? Let me know your plans or if you have other tips to share!

Until next time, enjoy your vacation vibes! 🌴😎


I am an affiliate for Vista Social so I will earn a commission if you purchase using my link. You should know that I only recommend this scheduling tool because I think they are incredible and use them myself.

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